Four Steps to Making Change Easier
Do you feel like you're trapped in your life? Frustrated? Do you feel like you're about to collapse for the third time?
Take some time to really experience what is happening. You are not trapped; you are confined. Yes, the old method of doing things no longer works, and you are attempting to adapt to drastically different ways of life.
Throughout this period of constriction and upheaval, invisible forces are keeping you steady while you attempt to run this new kind of energy, the energy of oneness with Divine purpose. It is a divine link housed inside a human body. You decided to embrace this energy at this moment long before you arrived in this world. This is your contribution to the shift of the ages, and now is the moment to carry it out.
The most powerful force in the universe is the energy of divine oneness or unity. It is powerful enough to keep you from detaching yourself from Divine guidance at your heart and establishing your human will.
We used to achieve our desired outcomes by using our human, egoic willpower. We were raised to be obstinate and adamant, demanding what we wanted when we wanted it. This method is no longer viable. When we establish our egoic will in the new energy that surrounds us today, we face several hurdles.
To advance beyond the confines of the present, we must abandon the desire to do things by pure will. Instead, we must submit to faith: trust in the divine, divine guidance, spirit, God, the universe, or whatever you choose to name the vital life force energy.
When we choose to trust, the egoic will and opposition give way to a greater design, divine perfection. We may flow with the creative forces around us from a position of trust, engaging in the process of creating a greater reality than we could ever imagine before.
It is no longer feasible to advance in ego while still making spiritual growth. Spirit's stifling might will obstruct our progress at every point. The desire to be willful must be sacrificed in order to transcend the egoic self's constraints. We only harm ourselves when we continue to act from ego.
Whatever the difficulty of the transition, Spirit will assist you in getting through it. Those same unseen forces that keep you afloat today can and will pull you out of your funk. It just requires letting go of the old manner of wielding power willingly via ego and embracing the road of faith, the path of trust and allowing.
We currently live in a totally different world than we did even five years ago. The former life, with its ambitions, goals, and connections, has been archived by All That Is. Continuing to search for it just slows our development. We are in a new era, and ruminating on the old methods with infinite analysis, grieving, and regret will not offer us any consolation.
The more we try to recreate the past, the deeper we fall into ego traps, our energy levels plummeting into a swamp of confusion and conflict.
Instead, now is the time to appreciate what is happening in your life in the present. Look for fresh ways to reframe things and new tools to use. Turn inward. Drink deeply from the source of life. Allow the divine teachings' timeless knowledge and healing energy to flow over you to restore your spirit. Create a conversation with Spirit and ask for direction and clarity. Stay in the now and let the solutions come to you via circumstances.
When action is called for, take it. Move ahead when opportunities present themselves. And don't attempt to smash through closed doors. Sometimes we need to spend some time in the in-between, learning to let go of the drive to control and the need to comprehend rationally. At moments like this, we must ask ourselves what we really want and why, while also letting go of the need to know how it will be realized. We must just be present, patient, and quiet.
For years, I would seek answers from Spirit to help me grasp the why and how of life's inexplicable catastrophes. Invariably, the response would be a single cryptic word: "Trust." Never before has the requirement for trust been more critical for our personal well-being. Outside of us, the whole planet is now in a spin cycle. Willfulness and ego must be destroyed on a global scale, just as they are at the microscopic level, to make way for a new order of trust and humility.
You are not powerless. You are a very strong creature. What you lack is memory. There is nothing wrong with you that total recall cannot cure. We have decided not to recall everything all at once, much like a survivor who has hidden the awful anguish of tragedy under a layer of forgetfulness until they are ready to handle it. More is revealed to us as we continue on the route we are presented. We recover our completeness and power by integrating and healing each memory that arises.
There are some useful principles to keep us on track during this period of transformation at all levels of society. Here are a few points to remember:
Maintain your distance
We become subject to the trappings of the ego when we get emotionally committed to a desired cause or goal. Recognize your emotions and then give them to the Divine Intent to remain connected to your life source.
Set firm boundaries
Social pressure is always trying to get us to conform to the expectations of others. Setting limits safeguards your influence. You are not required to accommodate everyone; rather, your first obligation should be to follow your inner direction. What are your thoughts on the situation? Are you making concessions in order to be liked, accepted, or nice? Just because it is for a worthy cause does not obligate you to participate! You will never be happy if you live your life to meet the expectations of others. Determine how far you are willing to go before saying no. No, I cannot have you as a house guest for a month; no, I cannot have lunch with you today; and no, I cannot volunteer to sell Girl Scout cookies.
Maintain your presence
When we are overwhelmed by the intensity of the present, we may opt to seek shelter in previous memories or future aspirations. Neither is beneficial to us. We only have now, and life only occurs in the now. Don't allow past regrets or future anxieties to rob you of the priceless gift of being present in the now.
Pay attention to yourself
Within you is the knowledge to face all of life's obstacles. Slow down and pay attention to your body when you're feeling overwhelmed. Allow your inner knowledge to reveal what you really want. Have you ever found yourself "giving in" to others' desires while feeling a massive knot in your chest or stomach? Your body is attempting to communicate with you. Recognize your body's signals and realign with your unique truth if you are unable to maintain inner peace while participating in the activity. When you listen to your body, you will detect "correct timing" at the intersection of desire and opportunity. There will always be a sense of calm and confidence, allowing you to go ahead with elegance and ease.
Self Improvement